Steven Pacey Longlists

Although Steven Pacey didn’t make the short-list for the What’s On Stage awards this year, fans propelled his name into the long-list for Best Supporting Actor in a Play for Charley’s Aunt!

Steven has also made it to the long-list for The Sounds of Crime Award for the best unabridged crime audiobook first published in the UK in 2012 in both printed and audio formats, with four nominations for his narration: Joe Abercrombie’s Red Country, Sam Eastland’s Siberian Red, James Herbert’s Ash, and Susan Hill’s Question of Identity.

The shortlists will be announced in early 2013, and the winners are announced on 1 June, 2013. Good luck, Steven!

UPDATE 7 May 2013

Unfortunately, Steven’s novels didn’t make the short list for The Sounds of Crime Awards. Maybe next time!

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